Tag Archives: Adam Gainsburg

Interview with Linda Furiate and Adam Gainsburg

Linda Furiate – What sparked your interest in becoming a professional astrologer doing client work, research, writing, lecturing and/or teaching?

Adam Gainsburg – It’s more accurate to say astrology chose me. I really have no idea why I practice astrology, other than perhaps because I’m wired for it. Early on of course, we’re filled with the juice of discovering “I can do this”, “I seem to have a knack for this”, “people are having positive benefits from their readings with me or from my writings.” But that wears off, as one grows up astrologically and becomes more intimate with the deeper challenges of one’s life and charts. Why I continue to practice I just don’t know. For the most part I’ve given up asking why; I continue because I’m compelled to. When the compulsion ends, so will my astrological practice.

LF – As a professional astrologer how important is it for you to adhere to a “Code of Ethics” when presenting material that may potentially alter the path of another individual? Why?

AG – Very important. The first thing I teach my students goes something like, When you receive the birth data of someone you’ll be reading for, stop for a few breaths, get quiet inside and remember and re-honor the commitment you’ve made to serve others, even when doing so requires keeping your mouth shut. Because in the wrong hands, that birth data can do a world of negative karma. I’ve been fortunate to attract students who have integrity, a desire to assist others and an amount of humility to have fun with being wrong when they are (and we ALL are wrong more often than we’d like to admit). For this reason, I don’t spell out a Code for them, but inevitably during their educational process, they come to me with questions about how to handle certain situations. And I take those openings to spell out this sort of a priori Code.

LF – What is the coolest thing that has happened to you or been presented to you because of your work in astrology?

AG – My heart is saying, Hasn’t happened yet. My head is remembering a reading for a lady who was living with twelve individual soul signatures within her consciousness. She was wanting to know why this was chosen, why this body, etc. There’s a HUGE cosmological background story behind this, but when I met her finally – after doing lots of prep work – and sat with her for the reading, I can say that my astrology literally improved as a result of that reading and the subsequent one we did. Of course, the more accurate way to say this is that it was our shared presence and unified intention that caused things to accelerate in me and caused her to get some excellent info from me.

LF – Tell us a bit about your BDTB3 Lecture? Who should attend and why?

AG – I’m speaking as a part of the pre-conference Astrology & the Sky track. It’s called “All Conjunctions are Not Created Equal.” I’ll be showing how knowledge of the sky dynamics we astrologers are largely unaware of can instantly reveal and fill in missing dimensions to our delineations, predictions and research. I’d say attend if after reading the description, a voice starts tickling inside your head saying, I wanna know that stuff! There’s some real magic waiting for the mass populace of astrolytes to re-discover the sky in a full and intimate way.

LF – When will you be presenting your BDTB3 lecture? And how can we learn more?

AG – The track runs on Thursday 13 November and I’m in a distinguished group (!) with Andrew Morton, Greg Clare, Julene Packer and Gary Caton. My bit is Thursday 13 November at 1p EST, 6p GMT and 5a on 14 November AEDT. This topic, in fact the theme of the entire track, is one I’m passionate about these days. I call it Sky Astrology and have a number of videos on my site at Soulsign.com. There’s also an upcoming conference focused exclusively on skywatching and educational classes! That’s at SkyAstrologyConference.com