Monthly Archives: August 2022

What Does my Rising Sign Mean?

The rising sign, also referred to as the Ascendant, is the most eastern portion of the birth chart. Through millennia many religions have placed the direction of east as sacred where one is to bow in worship. In Buddhism, Confucianism and Feng Shui the east is associated with prosperity and goodness.

The zodiac sign rising over the horizon at the exact time of birth will determine the rising sign.

The ascendant is said to describe the life force within, one’s character, vitality, strength and will. It is associated with the impression and impact we thrust upon the external world as we move about our life.

The rising sign will often set the stage for how a person is seen or revealed to the world. The rising sign is associated with the ‘mask’ that we wear – how others see or view us. Whereas the Sun sign is more internally or innately driven, the rising sign is witnessed externally. When the sun sign and rising sign are in conflict, or to make a harsh aspect to each other, the perception of self is quite different than the way the outer world may witness our behavior.

Aries Rising – Determined, self-oriented, will fight to achieve your desires

Taurus – security or financially oriented. Steadfast in nature. Seeks pleasures that will offer personal value.

Gemini – Willingness to share ideas and bring forth a sense of community through the spoken word, movement or the familiar.

Cancer – strong need for comfort and to nurture their surroundings. Will often hold onto their emotions that become expressed or repressed within the body.

Leo – outgoing, fun, gregarious. Has a strong desire to seek the limelight so long as there is an audience. Without a spotlight to shine, Leo rising may often feel rejected.

Virgo – habit driven with a need to be productive. May analyze or evaluate every situation before determining the perfect solution.

Libra – personable and charming with lovely social graces. Libra aims to please through the art of communication, fairness, and diplomacy. The key is to include self as part of defining the needs within a relationship.

Scorpio – secretive, protective, controlling toward self and others. Personal passions run deep. Being able to disappear into a deeper level of consciousness is the remedy needed to positively transform the depth of any situation.

Sagittarius – has the physique and inspiration to metaphorically climb any mountain. Adventurous by nature every experience, and there are numerous, serves as an opportunity to expand the personal mind and enhance the well-being of those who surround them.

Capricorn – quiet and reserved with a great need to be responsible for self and others. Practical by nature, Capricorn will have the stamina and strength to weather any situation.

Aquarius – friendly and open to new ideas, Aquarius is often unforgiving to the shortcomings of others. They may be contrary and full of contradiction.

Pisces long for the ideal world filled with goodness and joy. Unconditional love runs deep either to serve all of those in need or at the risk of sacrificing self.

This article was quoted by Julianna Mitchell @hercampus

What Does My Venus Sign Mean?

Venus is the planet that rules the signs of Taurus and Libra. Venus is referred to as the planet of love and may describe our relationships, balance, beauty, and harmony within our lives. Venus is associated with the goddess Aphrodite. What we value and attract into our lives may be seen through our Venus sign and house placement, this makes Venus an important planet when practicing the Law of Manifestation and getting what we want.  

Aries – With Venus in Aries a person may fall head over heels in love quickly only to realize the person is not who they wanted them to be.  Venus in Aries may be quick tempered and impatient when a partner demands to get their needs met. Having Venus in Aries a person is full of energy to go the extra mile early in the relationship, only quickly to fade once the novelty and chase has worn off.

Taurus is loving and loyal with a strong desire to do the right thing to please their partner. Venus in Taurus is sensuous and appreciates the finer things in life. Fulfilling the physical senses is important to Venus is Taurus.

Gemini enjoys stimulating conversation with the desire to connect intellectually with a partner. A great conversation about ‘nothing’ may be just as fulfilling and passionate as a glass of wine and red roses. Venus is Gemini may appear fickle and be hard to pin down. Commitment is not their strong suite unless both parties keep the relationship light-hearted and in constant motion.

Cancer – despite their desire to nurture and bond, the Venus in Cancer native can be overly sensitive and tend to become possessive in love. They have a strong desire for comfort and security and will often overstay a relationship long past its due date.

Leo – Venus in Leo has a flare for the dramatic and the romantic where self-expression in love are second nature. Venus in Leo may be the most loving and romantic of all the signs. As a generous and giving soul, it would be an honor to capture the heart of a Venus in Leo mate.

Virgo – Venus is Virgo may tend to be quite discriminating in matters of the heart. They have a great BS (bullshit) barometer and have no time for nonsense. They can be shy and intimidated by more outwardly oriented sexual advances, although once smitten, they are blessed with the innate ability to thoroughly satisfy the needs of their partner.

Libra – Venus in Libra invented the idea of love and all the peace and harmony that flows from a long-term relationship. Venus in Libra loves to love and be loved. Venus in Libra is connected to the element of air so there is a strong desire to be social. It may take a strong partner to recognize that occasional flirtatiousness with another does not mean disloyalty.

Scorpio – Venus is Scorpio is all-consuming, passionate, sensuous, and intense when it comes to love relationships. Sadly, Venus is Scorpio will often attract a partner who will want to possess and control them, making it hard for others to get below the surface of this tender-hearted and sensitive soul. Venus is Scorpio wants to be love and respected, not controlled or manipulated.

Sagittarius – Venus is Sag may tend to have more friends than committed relationships. They love their freedom to explore the whims of the heart. The ideal for Venus in Sag will be to find a partner who desires a similar creative and adventurous lifestyle.

Capricorn – Venus is Capricorn is a steadfast and loyal companion allowing them to be a partner who will stand the test of time. Venus in Capricorns seeks to build a solid foundation and future with a strong and responsible partner who will share the same feelings toward commitment and honesty.

Aquarius – Venus in Aquarius is quite open in love with a desire to be unique and to be themselves. Stereotypes in love will not do for this detached yet magnetic lover. Venus in Aquarius likes to explore love outside the boundaries of their comfort zone. This may allow them to soar into a region of the mind that will express their full love of humanity.

Pisces – Venus in Pisces is highly imaginative and creative in love. They are often attracted to the underdog or to someone who they feel may need ‘fixing’. Venus is Pisces truly understands the meaning of unconditional love, even when love in return may allude them.

This article was quoted by Julianna Mitchell @hercampus

How To Relieve Stress, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Aries may be able to relieve stress by playing hard and competing, either against self or others. Aries wants something fast and furious so competitive racquetball and tennis may be an excellent way to ease the body of excessive energy and stress.

Taurus lives to be pampered. A full body massage is a must for this hearty earth sign to release any negative vibe. If time is tight and the funds are low, a good glass or wine or a hunk of decadent dark chocolate will melt away the tension.

Gemini would benefit by putting the phone down for a bit and reconnecting with the here and now. Since Gemini must always be on the move, idle time may prove to add more stress. The key is to practice mindfulness by moving the body and quieting the mind – walking is an excellent form of stress release so long as its free from communication devices.

Cancer will more than likely want to crawl back in bed to relieve any stress, or at least close their doors to the outside world. A quiet walk on the beach collecting seashells may be the perfect scenario for this sea loving enthusiast to reconnect with their inner self.

Leo will want to get out to play and to do something fun to relieve stress. Planning a party or a quiet romantic evening will allow Leo to bring the focus back to self. When Leo can put the spotlight upon those they love or admire, it will often bring them a sense of peace and joy.

Virgo can relieve stress by keeping the body and mind occupied while engaging in a productive activity. Most Virgos may find that cleaning a closet or organizing their workspace can be rather cathartic and a simple way to cleanse the mind of unhealthy thoughts.

Libra is social in nature and is most at home when relating and engaging in conversation with others. A quiet and/or intimate one on one conversation with a dear friend or lover will bring Libra back into balance.

Scorpio, the best way for Scorpio to relieve stress it to completely disappear for a while. Spending time alone in solitude will help to regenerative this often private and sensitive soul. Scorpio needs time to reflect to gain the deeper perspective of their existence, this can only be accomplished in the silence of their own mind.

Sagittarius can relieve stress by ditching responsibility and to gather as many friends and family as possible for a fun-filled adventure. Hiking, jet-skying and outdoor camping may create endless opportunities for this archer to add to the numerous stories that enrich their lives and inspire the masses. Being able to share a part of their journey may provide Sag with the grounding they need to ease their stress.

Capricorn will throw themselves into their work when stressed. Capricorn may find it soothing to organize their schedule, build a plan for their future and to tidy up any loose ends. Engaging in hard work with a disciplined mindset will allow Capricorn the platform to accomplish their desires and to forego their stress that may have resulted from lack of direction.

Aquarius may be most prone to stress when their central nervous system encounters too much outside stimulation. For Aquarius to refocus and to ground the body of a stressful situation they may want to dive headfirst into a series of video gaming adventures. Aquarius loves to strategize and to figure out the unknown to shut off the outside world.

Pisces, although they may thrive on chaos, they will often stress themselves out by taking on numerous tasks, only to realize that they are overwhelmed. The best way for a Pisces to relieve stress it to learn to say ‘no’ when called up. This may free up their time to complete what they may have started weeks, months or years ago.

What Does My Moon Sign Mean?

In astrology the Moon is feminine in nature and represents our feelings and emotions. The Moon is associated with the mother and will often show how we perceive the nurturing given or expressed in childhood. The Moon acts as a protector and can be related to ‘gut’ feelings. The Moon represents habits, memories, and unconscious pattering.

Moon in the signs:

Aries Moons are independent, direct, and spontaneous. They prefer to take the lead and may often be inpatient with others. Aries moons are persuasive with a knack to guide others into getting what they want.

Taurus Moons are trustworthy, loyal, and affectionate. They have a grand desire for material comfort and may spent much time (and money) on pampering self and others. Taurus moons can be stubborn as a way to protect the comfort and safety of stability.

Gemini Moons are restless with a strong desire for movement. They are inquisitive, talkative, and swift to change their thoughts and behavior. They are quick to let you know how they feel, only to change when something new garners their attention.

Cancer Moons are sensitive and receptive. This is the moon sign that feels deeply with an innate ability to hold onto emotional impressions. They long for the past and are prone to maintain strong family connections. They may be moody and easily hurt when surrounded by stronger personalities.

Leo Moon are natural performers and are easily able to step in when called upon. They are affectionate and outgoing with a strong desire to have fun and be playful. Leo Moons feels with their heart and must shield themselves from those who are unable to appreciate the kindness and love this Moon sign longs to share.

Virgo Moons love to figure things out for themselves. They analyze and approach every situation with logic and reason. They tend to be discriminative and are easily able to understand the reasoning and motives of another’s behavior, often preventing them from being misled.

Libra moons are social in nature and refined in behavior. They seek balance within their environment and may shy away from harsh personalities. Beauty and art may stir up fond memories of earlier times that bring peace and joy to their current well-being.

Scorpio Moons are intense with a strong desire to make an impact and impression upon the emotions of others. Often suspicious and quick to judge, this moon longs for the mysterious while probing the depths of every situation. Their intuition is their guiding force.

Sagittarius Moons long for adventure and to explore the reasoning behind the philosophical nature of others. This is a restless moon who must constantly be traveling about and learning how to succeed. Sag moons have very little time for sadness or regret.

Capricorn Moons are reserved. They thrive on challenges and are excellent at planning and plotting their future success. They are disciplined and determined to get what they want, while often avoiding their feelings in fear of appearing weak.

Aquarius moons love to be different and unique. They are highly intelligent and dismiss those who are unable to level up to their vast reserve of knowledge. With their independent nature, Aquarian moons are hard to get close too unless they are engaged in stimulating conversation.

Pisces moons are sensitive, compassionate, and creative in nature. Pisces moons are quick to help save others from themselves and are often disappointed when people are unable to live up to their vision of reality. Their image of an idyllic world runs deep.

This article was quoted by Julianna Mitchell @hercampus